My Yoke is Easy

“My yoke is easy and my burden is light,” said Jesus.  Yet, for most Christians it seems that their lives evidence anything but this maxim.  Why?  Because we refuse the very first part, we refuse to “yoke” ourselves to Jesus to begin with.

If you have ever seen two oxen yoked together, then you know that where one goes, the other goes.  Either the two plow together or they plow not at all.  If one goes one way and the other the other way, then they go nowhere.  But, if they walk straight ahead, side by side, they plow together and they accomplish much.

And so it is with our lives on earth.  Jesus calls us to be yoked together with him.  “Set your face like flint.”  Decide that you want to walk straight ahead with Jesus, side by side.  Remember that only one is the lead oxen.  Jesus decides the path, the way, to plow the earth.  If the other, you or me, chooses to go another way, then we leave that narrow path and his work through us comes to a halt.  Our spiritual work ceases.

Yet Jesus says that his yoke is easy; it is easy, light, not burdensome.  “My yoke is easy.  If you will yoke yourself to me and then get to know me better, personally, intimately, then you will know the steps to take and the path to stay upon.  You will know what I require of you.  If you stay yoked to me, then you will do those things that I prepared in advance for you to do.  Then your light will shine, your works will remain, and your reward will be great.  You will find pleasure in doing my will and you will call my will a delight.  For my yoke is easy and burden is light!”

Song on this theme: Be Not Like the Horse

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