I’m Not a Patriot and I Don’t Go To Tea Parties (2)

 A patriot is “a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.”  (Dictionary.com)  I know many people who proudly served their country in some branch of the military and who encourage their children to do the same.  Little do these know just how their government used them and how they will use their children.  They still believe that this government (or any other worldly government) actually represents something good.  “We stand for `American values,'” say all the political candidates.  Tell me, just what are “American” values?  Abortion on demand?  Homosexual marriage?  Pornography everywhere?  Movies which glorify every conceivable sin and blood lust?  Young girls dressing like whores?  People with lips, noses, chins and faces pierced with hanging rings?   A nation on welfare?  Or, are American values the values of  a nation that destroys every other nation in the world that does not bow to its bidding?  America has some values all right, but I don’ t think they consist of values that others ought to emulate or brag about.  Do you?

And, what are the tea parties all about?  The simplest answer, I think, is rage against Obama and his policies.  But, have the tea partiers considered that Obama has simply continued the policies of President Bush?  Remember Bush’s seven year war in Iraq?  Remember his gift of one trillion dollars to bail out the grossly overfed banking industry right before he left office?  Remember that some officially “conservative” Republican Congressmen (like mine, Joann Emerson) voted for the bail out?  On the other hand, do you ever remember Bush speaking out on the righteous precepts of Christianity or repenting as leader for the sins of this fallen nation?  Yet he wanted all of us to think he was a Christian and I know a lot of people who did!  Now, think back upon the first President George Bush talking about our need for a new world order.  So, what do the tea partiers want?  A return to Republican rule like we had under George Bush I and George Bush II?  Ronald Reagan?  No thank you, and again I say, no thank you!

I have seen old Christian friends blindly support any Republican candidate perceived “winnable” that came along as if that politician would actually do something good once in office.  I personally saw these friends stop supporting a candidate who spoke publically for Christ and turn their support to one they believed more “winnable.”  I still remember a Republican millionaire and several Republican State Representatives become offended when I suggested that they should support Alan Keyes in 1996 instead of the New World Order’s choice of Bob Dole.  Remember him?  What a joke of a race that was!  Dole was specifically chosen because the PTB knew that he did not have a chance against Clinton.  Clinton, of course, was their man of choice.

No, I’m not a patriot in the sense of the word used above and I don’t go to tea parties.  I do not support the powers that be and I do not support their hand-chosen candidates.   I refuse to continue playing their Republican/Democrat, pro-life/pro-abortion game.   Those who make it big in today’s entertainment and politics all serve their true master, the ruler of this age, Satan.  The Republican/Democrat dichotomy is a charade and we need to see it as such.  Understand the times we live in.  Make up your mind to serve the one just King, Jesus.   Be an ambassador from another Kingdom who represents that King in this present darkness, even if it means you’ll never be rich and famous in this life.

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