A world at work

            to keep away

            from any sense of truth

            that interferes with play

A world working hard

            at make-believe

            in image upon image

            in order to deceive

Man walking proudly with

            his hair down to his waist

            his belly going before him

            filled with liquid brewer’s yeast

Woman sits seductively

            tattoo on her cheek

            pierced tongue busy wagging

            as she attempts to speak

Children wait at home

            for a Dad who really cares

            for a Mother who’ll quit working

            for the money and the stares

Everybody striving

            for a goal that isn’t there,

            wealth, money, cocaine,

            or the marijuana glare

Everybody working

            to create what isn’t true

            male becoming female

            and me becoming you.


(c) August 21, 2007

Glenn Hall