Oh that you would rend

                            the heavens and come down!

                            Oh that you would send

                            your rain and stormy sound!

                            Oh that you would come

                            and wipe away these tears,

                            come to us to rule our hearts

                            and take away our fears.

                            Oh that you would crush

                            the terrorists who maim,

                            who teach their children how to kill,

                            to torture and make lame.

                            Oh that you would set

                            your King upon his throne

                            to rule the nations in his love

                            and with his rod of iron.

                            Oh that you would fill

                            the earth with all your glory,

                            with the knowledge of your truth

                            as the waters cover the sea!

                            (c) October 14, 2007

                            Glenn Hall