David Wilkerson’s Word for Today

Surely we live on the verge of great calamity.  Here is the link to David Wilkerson’s word for today: http://davidwilkersontoday.blogspot.com/

I believe that our Christian faith is a day to day faith.  I do not store food; I usually have about a one to two weeks’ supply.  Anyone who needs food will not be turned away from our home during a time of crisis.  If the chain of food is broken, then God will provide as he determines for his people. 

I think it is wise to move from cities to where there are springs of water.  The infrastructure of society has fallen into ruin because men forsook God’s Law.  Come out of Babylon, lest you share in her sins and her plagues.

I continue to hope that God will establish his Kingdom soon, for, clearly, there is little time left before the powers that be destroy all hope of normal life.

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