Remember the Law of Moses (4)


The two witnesses described in Revelation 11 are the Law and the Prophets.   A “witness” testifies to the truth.  Both the Law and the Prophets testify to the truth of Jesus Christ.

The very last verses of the Old Testament identify these witnesses and one of their primary functions.

Remember the Law of my servant Moses, the statutes and rules that I commanded him at Horeb for all Israel.  Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome Day of the LORD comes.  And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.  (Malachi 4:4-6)

First, know that this last days Elijah will surely remember the Law of Moses.  Lawlessness characterizes our age and especially these last days.  The “Man of Lawlessness” has been revealed and he is us.  We must repent of our lawlessness, especially the prophets.  I still recall speaking with a major Christian leader of the modern prophetic movement exactly twenty years ago.  I asked him why he never spoke on or preached about the Law.  He said, “Because the people are cranky. They won’t hear it.”

My experience of the prophets ever since then has been one of witnessing their utter lawlessness and “grace” to sin.  This, of course, has characterized God’s priests, prophets, and people from almost the beginning of the Old Covenant and has continued throughout the history of the New.

These also reel with wine (spiritual things, they accept the demonic as the move of the Holy Spirit) and stagger with strong drink (food, doctrine, truth); the priest and the prophet reel with strong drink (they cannot handle the truth of God’s doctrine), they are swallowed by wine (buffeted and abused by evil spirits), they stagger with strong drink, they reel in vision, they stumble in giving judgment (they cannot judge according to God’s truth, God’s Law, because they reject it in favor of a lawless “grace”).  For all tables are full of filthy vomit (vomit is undigested food.  These priests and prophets cannot digest God’s food, God’s doctrine, God’s truth; the tables represent their places of fellowship, their places of sharing food, their places which are supposed to be tables of communion of the blood, Spirit, and bread, Word=truth, of Jesus Christ), with no space left (where is there space and a place for truth these days?).  (Isaiah 28:7-8, ESV)

Brothers, this should not be, and it will not be in the prophetic anointing soon coming.  The prophets (and priests) will remember the Law of Moses, they will repent of their sins, and they will teach people to walk according to the foundation of God’s Law and truth.  It will be this re-establishment of God’s truth which restores the foundations of society and makes freedom again possible in the world.    This will also restore family relationships, turning the hearts of fathers to their children and children to their fathers.

People today still rail against God’s Law, considering it harsh and punitive. Many Christians today willingly accept into their churches people who practice the most abominable of sins, even ordaining some of them as priests, pastors, and bishops.  Little do they realize that if God did not bring to remembrance His Law, then He would have to come and strike the earth with a decree of utter destruction as in the day of Noah.  But, this time he promises a different ending, and his two witnesses will help bring this about.

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