The Beast

“I was so foolish and ignorant; I was a beast before you.” (Psalm 73:22)

If we do not keep ourselves from idols and begin to repent of the idols we have partaken of, we will partake of the beast instead.  In fact, we become the beast.

“As a dream when one awakes, so, LORD, when you awake, you shall despise their image.” (Psalm 73:20)

Why will God “despise their image?”  Because they submitted not to be made into His image.  The posts and writings on this website mainly relate to God’s creation plan of making man into His image.   Read Image of God.

Instead of seeking to know more about his maker, man runs from him and becomes more like the beast of the field than the elohim God intends.   Thus man becomes a being living only by instinct and carnal feeling, just as described in Revelation 12-13 and 17-18.

The beasts in the Book of Revelation picture the governments of man which rule the world under the authority of Satan without recourse to God or his Law.  The harlot Jezebel rides the beast masquerading as true religion, but she is a hypocrite.  She rides the governmental beast in all nations pretending to adhere to the dictates of the state religion or religions.  False religion rides the beast because she depends upon the state’s (beast’s) sustenance rather than God’s provision.  But the Beast is now beginning to turn on her, just as prophesied…

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