The Separation

I can’t make it any plainer than this.  God is about to separate his overcomers (the five wise virgins) from all the rest of mankind (the five foolish virgins, believing Christians, and all beneath her).  You see the signs all around you.  The United States, that which was always called a “Christian Nation,” is falling part from apostasy, sin, and treasonous political leaders.  Ask yourself, why are Muslims beheading Christians in Iraq and Syria now, the places where believers in Christ almost two thousand years ago were first called “Christians?”  I have been walking with God (the LORD Jesus Christ, Yeshua, the Son of God, the Word of God, King of all) for more than 37 years now.  I am almost as old as Moses (in the flesh) when he was called to walk with God (40 years after he left Egypt and when he was 80 years old.  I am 58 years old, about to turn 59 and am in my 38th year of walking steadfastly with Jesus.  I do not say this to boast, only to say that I know where I come from and where I have been, as do many of you, for many of my friends are friends of my youth and know my sins and failures of youth.)  I left many friends behind when I began this walk 38 years ago (you know who you are and you still remain mad at me for things I said to you those many years ago.  I was young then and my words were harsh.  I was trying to escape the ways of the world.  Please forgive me. I love you. I want you to be where I am. The time is short.)

God is calling me to a new season. This is the fourth time in 38 years that I have given up everything to follow the LORD Jesus Christ. Believe me, the end is near.  You have rejected my words for many years.  You need to listen.  Stop everything you are doing and seek God, the LORD Jesus Christ with all your heart right now. I urge you to read the postings on my site. Write me if you have questions.


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