We Would Have Healed Babylon

We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed: forsake her, and let us go every one into his own country: for her judgment reacheth unto heaven, and is lifted up even to the skies. (Jeremiah 51:9 KJV)

If you take time to read Tiny Minds and then the comments for the video by Christianu2uber which is linked at the bottom, you will begin to understand God’s prophecy to Jeremiah.  The comments of those who disagree with this twelve-year old boy who posted that video are vile, astonishingly vile, rancidly vile.  The evil thoughts portrayed there far outweigh the few of love, hope, or peace written to encourage him.  Even many Christians wrote negative comments, thus taking sides with the defiled against this young boy who bravely expressed his views against gay marriage.

We clearly see here the strong delusion that God has now cast over the face of the earth.  I doubt that the pagans at the time of the first preachers of the gospel acted as corruptly as these arrogant toads that spew venom at their prey.  And we see this delusion affecting believers as well as non-believers.  How can this be?

Read the passage that deals specifically with this time in history, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, and you will see that the defining characteristic of anyone unaffected by this delusion is that he loves the truth.  Those Christians who have sided with Satan in this homosexual debate believe they are open-minded and tolerant.  No, they are deceived and have betrayed their LORD.  They have denied him as Jude predicted.  Through their words they show that they do not love the truth.  God, therefore, gave them over to a spirit of delusion.

I do not see much Scriptural hope for a great end-time revival as some now predict.  There seems to be only the glimmer of light at the end of Malachi where he hopes that God will turn the hearts of the children to their fathers and the fathers to their children.  But, now both father and child act corruptly and if they do turn their hearts to one another, shall it not be only to do wickedness?

We being made into God’s image understand that mercy triumphs over judgment, yet judgment must still come if one refuses to repent.  We would have healed Babylon, but she would not be healed.  She is a cup in the LORD’s hand that has driven the world mad with her sexual sins.  Leave her in her sin.  She can’t hear you.   She can only mock your words of wisdom.  Cast not your pearls before swine.  Come out of her my people, lest you share in her sins and her plagues!  The Beast begins even now to turn upon her.

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