You Need to Understand Climate Engineering

In 1999 or 2000 someone told me that the “contrails” laid down by jets in the sky were really chemicals laid down for weather modification. I did not believe them. In fact I did not even look up or give it a serious thought. “Only God,” I thought, “can control the weather.”

Two years later I moved to a wilderness area. Then I began to notice these non-dissipating “contrails” all over in places where normal air traffic would not go. It was then that I realized that these were not normal jet water vapor trails. Instead of disappearing, these trails expanded, merged with others, and created a false “cloud” cover. I then began to notice that the heaviest spraying occurred before major weather events, like rain or snow or a bitter cold blast.  I learned that many people call this spraying “chemtrails” and that scientists call it climate or geo-engineering.

The following video discusses geo-engineering in detail. It also reveals why 100,000 head of cattle died in a freak snow storm last October in South Dakota, why an arctic dome of cold air has plagued eastern America all winter, and why California is suffering its worst drought in history.

 To really understand all that climate engineering does you need to watch this video.  Click here.

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