When We Awake

WHEN WE AWAKE – Critical Bible doctrine for God’s aspiring Overcomer

(c) 2024 by Glenn Hall

The Christian teachers and pastors today believe that everyone who calls upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ automatically qualifies as an overcomer and as a member of the Bride of Christ. This is blatant false doctrine fueled by the heart idols of the last many generations of believers in Christ.

Glenn’s book “When We Awake” provides Christians with solid, Biblical doctrine that corrects many serious errors found in almost every Christian church found in the corrupt western world today. It explains why today’s world has almost universally turned to Satanism and doesn’t even know it!

Link to the pdf of When We Awake: When We Awake by Glenn Hall

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Working Through Serious Sickness

Hello Dear Readers,

After a long absence due to sickness I am hoping to begin posting writings and videos again. For three years I have been battling serious Long Covid symptoms, and for all 2024 I have been fighting serious cancer issues. I am very weak, so pray God supplies His Spirit and strength to me.

God bless you with great peace and joy!


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THE PROPHECY TO THE MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL (Released February 17, 2024 @ 6:00 PM CST)

God is about to do something new in the earth. Listen, so that you can understand what is about happen.

Posted in 144000, A Perfect Jewel, a perfect stone, A Seamless Garment, Abomination | Comments Off on THE PROPHECY TO THE MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL (Released February 17, 2024 @ 6:00 PM CST)

God’s Prophecy to the Mountains of Israel (Introduction on February 16, 2024)


God is about to do something new in the earth.


Posted in 144000, A Perfect Jewel, a perfect stone, Abomination, Elohim | Comments Off on God’s Prophecy to the Mountains of Israel (Introduction on February 16, 2024)

Why Are These Times So Difficult?

Why are the days we live in so difficult to endure? That attached video contained too much truth for YouTube, so they took it down and gave me a second strike within two weeks. You can watch the video on BitChute at this link: Why Are These Times So Difficult?

“Now I will arise,” says the Lord, “now I will lift myself up; now I will be exalted. 11 You conceive chaff; you give birth to stubble; your breath is a fire that will consume you. 12 And the peoples will be as if burned to lime, like thorns cut down, that are burned in the fire.” 13 Hear, you who are far off, what I have done; and you who are near, acknowledge my might. 14 The sinners in Zion are afraid; trembling has seized the godless: “Who among us can dwell with the consuming fire? Who among us can dwell with everlasting burnings?” 15 He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, who despises the gain of oppressions, who shakes his hands, lest they hold a bribe, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed and shuts his eyes from looking on evil, 16 he will dwell on the heights; his place of defense will be the fortresses of rocks; his bread will be given him; his water will be sure. 17 Your eyes will behold the king in his beauty; they will see a land that stretches afar. (Isaiah 33 ESV)


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The Spiritual Goal of the Mark of the Beast

What is the real goal of the Mark of the Beast? It may be worse than you think. Watch:
The Goal of the Mark of the Beast

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The Beast’s Stinking Head Wound

I recorded this video almost two years ago.  The 8th Head of the Beast still has what appears to be a “mortal head wound.”

Here is the link to my Mystery of the Beast series on BitChute.  These videos were recorded from 2018 through early 2021.  Mystery of the Beast Video Playlist

Here is the link to my brand new Mark of the Beast series which were recorded in December 2022. These videos include important new prophetic revelation that I did not understand when I recorded my Mystery of the Beast videos. Mark of the Beast Video Playlist

Posted in mark of the beast, Mystery Babylon, Mystery of the Beast | 1 Comment

Christian Cannibalism (Mark of the Beast 2)

Watch: Christian Cannibalism

Today’s pastors, preachers, and prophets steal words and prophecies from one another in a vain attempt to appear as if they really do have a prophetic word from God. But, they lie. They prophesy from their own hearts and then eat each other’s words in an attempt to remain relevant and prophetic.

Prophetic teaching by Glenn Hall

Posted in 144000, A Perfect Jewel, a perfect stone, A Seamless Garment, Elohim, mark of the beast, Mystery of the Beast | Comments Off on Christian Cannibalism (Mark of the Beast 2)

GOD (I AM – Jesus Christ) Must Be Our Food (Mark of the Beast 1)

To understand the Mark of the Beast we must know that God, only God, has to be our spiritual food. Believers eat the world’s spiritual food. Believers eat the false doctrine of every church’s spiritual food. We must go directly to GOD, to I AM, to Jesus Christ himself in order to get our food. Nothing else can prepare us to deny taking the Mark of the Beast… and the SPIRITUAL Mark of the Beast will soon be revealed and required.



Watch: https://www.bitchute.com/video/nJJI884s1Zrt/

Posted in 144000, A Perfect Jewel, a perfect stone, A Seamless Garment, Elohim, I AM, image of God, mark of the beast, Mystery of the Beast | Comments Off on GOD (I AM – Jesus Christ) Must Be Our Food (Mark of the Beast 1)

Born of Water

Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born again (born of the Spirit) in order to even see the Kingdom of God. Then he told him that he had to be born of both water and the Spirit in order to ENTER the Kingdom of Heaven. What did he mean? Find out in this multi-part series.

Posted in 144000, Born of Water, Day of the Lord, Day of Wrath, Days of Noah, Firstborn, Firstfruits, glorification, God's Image, image of God, Jesus Comes in Flesh, Living Water, Overcomers, Perfection, practicing righteousness, Qodeshiym, Salvation of the Soul, sanctification, Second Coming of Christ, Sons of God, the Order of Melchizedek, The Teaching About Righteousness, Tribulation, Word Made Flesh, Word of God | Tagged | Comments Off on Born of Water