A civil war is coming and, unless the LORD returns first, this war could be the prophesied Armageddon.
Haven’t you wondered why Obama would not rest until a new “Health Care” bill was passed and now will not stop talking about it? Don’t you think there are few more pressing issues facing America’s citizens? And, have you considered why Obama’s government so quickly announced that federal mercenaries “took down” a “Christian” militia last weekend, the weekend of Palm Sunday and just before Easter? Don’t you feel like the powers that be are shoving quite a lot in your face these days? How do you feel about being called a racist because you oppose the new “health care” law? (I put “health care” in quotes because the law has nothing to do with health care, but is all about controlling the people) Do you think the tea partiers, the gun rights activists, the patriots, and the rednecks are going to take this forever?
Of course not. Neither does Obama and his cohorts. They are looking for a fight. More than that, they are actively provoking a fight. And they know they will win because they possess all the military might.
So, don’t be a fool. Don’t get caught up in their plan to destroy the righteous remnant on earth.
As I continue to say, “I’m not a patriot and I don’t go to tea parties.” My kingdom is not of this world. Where’s yours?
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