Dr. Who is a British television program which has run for several years. It is a big hit with some of my adult children and with many of their friends. About a year ago my wife and I watched one episode with one of our children. It was very interesting and entertaining. It also included a vast amount of new age, syncretistic, religious concepts. And, of course, it mingled all of those ideas with the word God and images or icons of Christ. After watching that episode I told my child that I did not think that watching Dr. Who would be a good idea for her. I don’t think she agreed and I imagine she has watched some more videos.
Recently I have noticed several Facebook friends of my children’s age mention their love for the Dr. Who series, especially season five. So, yesterday I watched one of the stories from that season. Again, it was an interesting story with compelling acting. But, I noticed the very same elements that I did in the first show I had seen. There were many religious elements including angels, a church hierarchy, and, of course, the mention of God. This episode also included a heavy dose of time travel and philosophical thoughts concerning it.
I mention these things because Dr. Who appears to be the epitome of the doctrine which Satan in these end times desires people to accept and believe as truth. I find the same doctrines occurring over and over again in countless articles on the internet involving portals, wormholes, inter-dimensional travel, space travel, aliens, and unidentified flying objects (UFO’s). Recently, for example, someone shared some videos with me of a man running for president of the United States in 2016 who claims to have space traveled to Mars and to have time traveled. He even shows a picture taken of the Gettysburg address in which he claims he is standing front and center. After listening to him for an hour or two I came to the conclusion that he had been brainwashed or hypnotized into believing such nonsense, for he really does seem to believe he did these things.
I find the idea of time travel to be very interesting. But, let’s think rationally here. Can it even possibly happen? The classic theological theory concerning time is that God himself dwells in eternity and that he created time for his purposes. Being in eternity, then, God dwells before, during, and after time all at the same time, for to God time itself means nothing. Man, however, does not currently live in an eternal state. Each person is born at a particular time in history and each dies on a specific date. If God allowed man to travel in time, then this means that God would be allowing mankind the ability to change history at will. If this were true, then all of history would be unsettled, for it would constantly be changing. A particular man from the 21st century, for example, might decide to travel back to 1765 and kill George Washington before he could lead the Americans to victory against the British. I could give 1000’s of hypotheticals like this and each one would drastically change our recorded history. In fact, history could not be recorded because it would be unsettled and constantly changing. These changes in history would also mean that many people currently alive could not even exist because their ancestors, due to an earlier death of a prior ancestor, never existed either.
Ultimately, if finite, non-eternal humans of flesh and blood could time travel, the result would be a virtually infinite number of parallel universes. You and I would be alive in some of those parallel realities, you alone would be alive in some, I alone would be alive in some, and neither of us would be alive in the others. I believe this idea of reality to be preposterous and thus rest my case. Time travel for finite beings, like us, is impossible.
Now there will be some who claim that we are not finite beings, that we are eternal spirits who possess powers greater than we understand. To them I say, show me your power and I will show you mine. Your god may convince you that you now possess god-like powers. My God tells me I will possess such powers, but only when a particular time arrives, that time known as the manifestation of the sons of God, the time foretold in Revelation 12:5. If men could travel backward and forward in time, then men could control prophecy. But my God says that he controls time, not man, and when he says, “So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour, the day, the month, and the year, were released to kill a third of mankind” (Revelation 9:15) he means that at that particular and only at that particular hour, day, month, and year, they will be released. Not before and not after.
I write these things so that you who watch the things of this world will not be deceived, “For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.” (Matthew 24:24) We must judge all things by the Holy Spirit and by the Word of God.
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