Prophetic Word Concerning the Coronavirus

A Prophetic Word Re: The Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Our Way Forward.
– Joshua Fowler March 11, 2020

I heard the Lord say, Just like when the Children of Israel’s Houses were safe when marked with the blood of the Passover lamb, so shall it be for those who are washed in my blood and marked by My Presence. For how much more powerful is the blood of My New Covenant? For My Blood will never lose it’s power.

In the coming days there will be what some will say is an uncommon phenomenon. The world will now see a distinguishable difference between those who are carriers of My presence and those who are not.
Those who have been washed in my Son’s blood and who are marked by my presence will not be harmed.

For the fragrance of my presence will drive out sickness and disease and the aroma of my anointing will destroy every yoke of the enemy. Yes, Christ is the Cure for Sin and Christ is the cure for every sickness, virus and disease.

Many have asked, “What shall we do?” And I say, Abide in Me. Dwell in my House. Stay close to me, yes, Live in My shadow and nothing shall harm you. Put on the garments of praise, for your praise and worship will be like a supernatural repellent. Yes your worship will ward off viruses. Put on the Lord Jesus Christ. Put on the whole armor of God. Be clothed with my Presence. Be Led by My Spirit. Walk by Faith & Not by Sight. Go when and where I say go and stay when and where I say stay. Declare and decree my Word and it will not return void. Do not fear. For I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind. Receive my peace. Yes, Keep your mind on me and you will remain in my perfect peace. Live in my peace. You will see that this too shall pass.

For in this hour and in the days to come I will send forth many of you who are carriers of my presence and you will drive out the effects of the virus through the victorious sounds of praise and worship. Many will speak my word and healing shall come to many of those who have been infected.

For who am I? I am your Healer. Who am I? I am your Protector. Who am I? I am your Defender. Who am I? I am Your Strong Tower. Who am I? I am Your shelter? Who am I? I am your Redeemer. Who am I? I am the way-maker? Who am I? I am your provider. Who am I? I am the Prince of Peace. Who am I? I am He who was dead and yet now lives. Who am I? I am the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Who am I? I am the Lord of Angel Armies and I’m fighting for you. Who am I? I am the author and finisher of your faith. Who am I? I am your Passover! Who am I? I Am all that you will ever need and more, declares the Lord.

#CoronavirusProphecy 3-11-2020
Joshua Fowler

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