We have now reached the end game of history, or as Jonathan Kleck says, “We are now in the red zone.” Jonathan Kleck, Mike Hoggard, and many others post YouTube videos dealing with the times we live in from a Christian perspective. I also encourage you to read “Corrupting the Image” by Douglas Hamp. All of these men convincingly show that Satan is busily making mankind into his image. They, and especially Mike, take us through history and demonstrate how Satan, the “god of this world,” slowly but surely infiltrated and contaminated virtually every aspect of society. Both demonstrate how the devil’s final plan even involves co-mingling mankind’s DNA with demonic DNA in an attempt to turn man into the very image of Satan. These and others also clearly prove that Satan’s final plan involves demons pretending to be aliens from other planets in their final effort to delude men into accepting their plan to “fix” all that ails the world. Yes, the world we now live in is like the scariest science fiction movie or novel, but this time it’s real.
Jonathan Kleck uses this reality to appeal to men to believe in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins. He hopes this reality will literally scare the hell out of them. He may be right. This stuff is so scary that, if I were not already walking with Jesus, it would scare the hell out of me. I think some have already believed in Jesus through his preaching.
Jesus told us that Satan is the god of this world. Two thousand years ago Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of this world and Jesus did not tell him that they were not his to offer. A “one world order,” or “new world order” has always been Satan’s agenda. And Satan has always sought to usurp God’s throne of rule in the heavenlies as well.
A most critical aspect of believing in Jesus becomes apparent when listening to Kleck, Hoggard, and others as they discuss the aliens agenda. I have to believe now that “alien” abductions of humans actually have occurred over the past few decades. Actually, I believe that demons carry out these wicked plans. Those abducted by aliens commonly say that if they cry out in the name of Jesus then these kidnapping entities will always leave. The typical story involves a person suddenly awakening, but being unable to move. He or she feels some type of presence, but can do nothing. Then he remembers his Savior and cries out or rebukes the presence in the Name of Jesus. The demonic presence immediately leaves and his paralysis ends. I have read this type of story numerous times and both my wife and I each experienced a similar event at least one time. I know another Christian who testifies that he was literally abducted by aliens and later came to realize they had been demons. He also testifies that the abductions involved things dealing with reproduction.
All of the clues we now see point to an imminent disclosure of aliens who, in actuality, really are demons. In addition it now appears that the mark of the beast and the abomination of desolation relate somehow to a literal mark of Satan somehow connected to, or intertwined with, our DNA. Thus we see that Satan plans to actually make mankind into his own image.
But, God has always told us these things in his own way. From the very beginning he said he created man in his own image. (Genesis 1:26-27) Then he wrote a book describing how this creation actually occurs. It’s called the Bible. Within this book God lays forth his plan for man and he gives him a choice. Will man choose to be made into God’s image, or will he choose Satan’s image instead? (To be continue…)