Hebrews 12:10 says, “for they (parents) disciplined us for a short time as it seemed best to them, but he (God) disciplines us for our good, that we may share his Holiness.” The hallmark of the sons of God, the elohim, is that they conform their will to God’s will as God disciplines them for their good. Only in this way can they ever partake of God’s holiness and thus become the elohim God intends. The great plan of God concerning mankind is the making of men in his image, i.e. making them elohim. This is not accomplished all at once. God could have made man an automaton that could choose only good, but in that case, he would not have been like God knowing good and evil. To be like God, to be elohim, man had to know evil, yet choose good instead of that evil. This is a great mystery. This is the teaching about righteousness mentioned in Hebrews 5:11-14.
Now let me quote from Andrew Jukes concerning aspects of this great mystery:
Let me try to show more exactly what the difference between these two names (Elohim and Jehovah) is, and how the one unchanging God, who in himself is perfect love, may, as we apprehend him, appear in very different aspects or characters, either as love or truth as Elohim or Jehovah. St. John tells us God is love. This is what he absolutely is. But in the expression of love we may see that love is righteous also. As to his being, God is love and Elohim declares this. Jehovah reveals him as the truth; and truth is not so much the being of God as the expression of his being. And as apprehended by us these appear different, though in themselves they are and must be one. Some may not yet see this. But all I think will see how love must show itself in truth and righteousness. Thus the selfsame love in its being and in it’s expression may seem different. If we think of its being, we shall see a will which cannot change, because it springs from and rests on being and relationship. If we think of it’s expression, we shall see how variously it acts, and changes, or seems to change, in virtue of certain qualities or conduct in the loved one. A father’s and still more a mother’s unchanging love illustrates the first, a love which cannot change, spite of faults and failings in the loved one. This is love in its being. But the expression of this love varies in virtue of certain qualities in the beloved. If therefore a child rebels, or friend deceives, or if a wife becomes unfaithful, there would be a breach of love. You must, much as it may pain you, part from them, and judge the evil; for if you do not, you countenance their evil doings. (From The Names of God, by Andrews Jukes, pages 26-37, published by Kregel Pubications, 1967)
Again, concerning mankind as elohim, I am not saying that equality with God the Father is a thing to be grasped. I do not say that you or I will ever become the Father. But, the great mystery of creation is that God has called man elohim just as he calls himself Elohim. Also, Jesus, the Son of God, calls us brothers according to Hebrews 2:12 and Psalm 22:22. The point of all Scripture and of all the commands of God is to instruct his people in Holiness so that they may become like him. And, as John says, “we know that when he appears we will be like him because we shall see him as he is. And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure “ (1 John. 3:2-3). To be like God is to be pure from sin, to be holy. To be like God is to be elohim.