161 Princes persecute me without a cause,
But my heart stands in awe of Your word.
162 I rejoice at Your word
As one who finds great treasure.
163 I hate and abhor lying,
But I love Your law.
164 Seven times a day I praise You,
Because of Your righteous judgments.
165 Great peace have those who love Your law,
And nothing causes them to stumble.
166 LORD, I hope for Your salvation,
And I do Your commandments.
167 My soul keeps Your testimonies,
And I love them exceedingly.
168 I keep Your precepts and Your testimonies,
For all my ways are before You. (Psalm 119:161-168, NKJV)
Men claim that they love peace, but most of our actions belie our claims. If we become rich we usually plan and connive to become richer rather than rest in the peace our riches could provide. With our excess money we buy boats, vacations, movies, extra houses, extra-marital affairs, and more, all which rob us of our peace as we try to squeeze time for their use and our supposed pleasure into a 24 hour day. But this psalmist tells us the secret to true peace in this second to last stanza of Psalm 119.
Men seek the natural treasure of gold and silver, especially in these days beginning the Day of the LORD. We live in the time when fiat money has begun to fail and when the prices of gold and silver have skyrocketed. God’s word, however, tells us that in these terrible times to come men will throw their gold and silver to the moles and the bats.
In that day a man shall cast away his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made, each for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats. (Isaiah 2:20 KJ2000)
We say that this verse could not apply to us because we think we do not “worship” idols made of gold and silver, but we have not understood that we do indeed worship mammon, the many things we have created and bought with our money, our silver and gold. Men who have the means, I believe, hoard and even worship the silver and gold their money has acquired for them. We need to turn our minds and our attention, though, to something else, to the treasure of God’s word.
Yes, we need to learn to love God’s word (Law), his judgments, commandments, precepts, and testimonies. We need to repent of the things we have esteemed over these ways. Then, “seven times a day,” that is, at all times, we will praise our LORD and Savior. We praise God because we know he judges righteously, with mercy and justice. This knowledge brings us into great peace. We understand that our God reigns not as some cruel warlord who takes delight in punishing his people. We know him as a loving heavenly Father who took upon himself flesh like ours so that he could restore us to fellowship with him. The Father died for his sons, us.
Nothing therefore can make us stumble. We have learned to judge all things in the light of God’s word. Men may try to deceive us as they mingle truth with conspiracy in these darks days, but we who have peace through knowledge of God’s Law cannot be misled. Men may hide the sun behind chemtrails and say the sun no longer exists, but we know the Son and we know he lives in our hearts. Men may even fake the second coming of Jesus through holograms in the sky, but we will not be fooled. We know our Master’s voice. We hope for true salvation that will in fact come when he reveals himself. Until then we acknowledge that all our ways lie before our LORD and Maker, and that he, he alone, keeps our souls from destruction and harm.