Pharmacia (Sorcery disguised as Medicine and its link to vaccines)

Over ten years ago I represented a doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) before the Missouri Board of Healing Arts who ended up losing his license to practice medicine.  Why?  Because he believed in and practiced natural healing remedies like chelation therapy.  He did not and does not believe in big pharma, phrmacia, sorcery for the healing of our illnesses.  Instead, he believes in God’s natural remedies.  I have personally seen and even experienced him working wonders with the simplest of things, like castor oil and chelation therapy.

Well, just today I read the following article which testifies to the healing of a woman many of you have read about lately who was almost killed by the toxicity of the flu vaccine she recently took.  As you read it you will discover some of the reasons why the medical establishment wants to destroy these good doctors like the one I represented.

  Woman ‘Incurably’ Crippled by Vaccine Cured by Alternative Healer


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