In my last post I may have given the impression that I believe that visitors from other planets exist here on earth. I do believe that many people sincerely believe that they have seen, been abducted by, or have experienced what they believe to be aliens. Many people currently post videos wherein they convincingly describe these types of events. Some come across as incredibly sincere. I cannot discern that these people actually attempt to deceive the masses. But, I do believe that they themselves walk in deception. I believe they have seen physical manifestations of demons instead of aliens from Andromeda or Pleiades.
“And what, pray tell, does this have to do with the Church of Thyatira?” I will tell you.
Revelation’s Church of Thyatira exists throughout the church age as the “prophetic church.” They are the ones who always seek the “deep things of God,” the real spiritual secrets of the Almighty. This is the church that includes mystical saints of the past like Madam Guyon, the revivals of the late nineteenth century which resulted in forming new denominations like the Assembly of God, the apostle to China of the 20th century, Watchman Nee, the big names of the Latter Rain movement beginning in 1948 like Oral Roberts and Pat Robertson, founders of recent Thyatiran churches like John Wimber and his Vineyard churches, and today’s latest manifestations in organizations like International House of Prayer (IHOP) led by Mike Bickle, Morningstar Ministries led by Rick Joyner, and God’s Kingdom Ministries led by Stephen Jones.
The Church of Thyatira believes that the Holy Spirit is alive and well and moves on the earth. Her members believe the Holy Spirit still gives gifts to men today. They do not believe spiritual gifts died away never to be restored nineteen hundred or more years ago. This shows one of the strengths of this church. Her members believe in a living God active in the affairs of men. This is her greatest strength and this also leads to her besetting sin.
One thing I have found among the members of the Church of Thyatira. They tend to be proud Christians, proud of what they arrogantly believe to be their exalted position in Christ. They, almost alone among the other Christian churches, walk in spiritual power. “Surely,” they think, “since God deemed to give us these wonderful evidences of his Spirit, he esteems us more than all his other churches. Come join us,” they say, “learn about God’s moving among the children of men. We have very spiritual, anointed teachers and leaders.” Many also walk in what appears to be a very anointed music ministry which often seems to call down the very presence of God.
But I am convinced, and have been convinced of this for 14 years now, that many of these churches’ leaders* and members walk in step to a grand deception, a deception that, if possible, will fool the very elect of God. These churches walk in the very sins Jesus condemned them for almost two thousand years ago, they commit acts of immorality and they eat things sacrificed to idols. Yes, their works exceed their works done in the beginning, but soon they will find their works judged as “wood, hay, and stubble,” works both evil and unclean. Yes, they help the widow and the fatherless in their distress, but they have not kept themselves unpolluted from the world. Thus they have potential to turn their converts into twice the sons of the hell they have become. They are lawless and will find themselves, unless they repent, among those whom Jesus condemns on that Day soon coming, saying, “Depart from me you workers of iniquity, for I never knew you.”
And what does this have to do with aliens, psyops, and black programs? That we will soon see.
* Just yesterday, March 28, 2014, I heard a good report about a video teaching by Mike Bickle from September 2013 wherein he espoused looking to God’s Law for moral direction. This is good news for those who attend International House of Prayer and others affected by Mike’s teaching.
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