Today I want to try to interpret the prophecy from Julie I posted yesterday entitled “From this Tangled Web of Darkness My Shining Ones Arise.”
I have to confess that the prophecy did not at first encourage me. It did not encourage me because we live in extremely difficult times, bizarre times, insane times. Those who rule our world are more akin to schizophrenic monsters than rational men. You who visit this site know that I sometimes post links to others who sound alarms with respect to the catastrophic situation in which we now dwell, alarms concerning our environment, our political situation, transhumanism (the melding of man with machine), the religious reality of apostasy in the churches, and the imminent genocide of Christians worldwide. Julie’s prophecy did not encourage me because God makes it very clear that we are here for the long-haul and that we will be here for quite some time. No imminent “rapture” waits just around the corner. This is not a pretty ride. The world and its ways disgust me and the disgust grows greater each day because the darkness gets darker and I see no natural light ahead. God continues to sit and watch and has not arisen from his throne to rule. Thus we remain as those described by Isaiah,
O Lord, in distress they sought you;
they poured out a whispered prayer
when your discipline was upon them.
17 Like a pregnant woman
who writhes and cries out in her pangs
when she is near to giving birth,
so were we because of you, O Lord;
18 we were pregnant, we writhed,
but we have given birth to wind.
We have accomplished no deliverance in the earth,
and the inhabitants of the world have not fallen. (Isaiah 26:16-18 ESV)
For a long time I had thought that the following verse 19 was about to be fulfilled, “Your dead shall live; their bodies shall rise. You who dwell in the dust, awake and sing for joy! For your dew is a dew of light, and the earth will give birth to the dead,” that God would surely glorify his overcomers in this dark hour. But, alas, yesterday’s prophecy shows us that this time is not yet. Instead, it seems, we will now enter into the living nightmare of the next few verses,
Come, my people, enter your chambers,
and shut your doors behind you;
hide yourselves for a little while
until the fury has passed by.
21 For behold, the Lord is coming out from his place
to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity,
and the earth will disclose the blood shed on it,
and will no more cover its slain. (Isaiah 26:20-21)
Therefore, according to this prophecy, we have to understand,
I realize you have not the greater understanding of My great design, not only for you but for this world. I have promised you that this understanding will be given, but only in its proper time, My appointed time, for you see there is an appointed time and season for all things. So, yea though you must journey through these valleys with the spirit of death all around you, in Me you have life and My light has already conquered this world.
You see, we do not understand God’s plan. We always get it wrong. We expect something, but it rarely happens the way we expect. This is profoundly frustrating for me because I have watched the world devolve into chaos over my forty years as a Christian. For the last nineteen of those years I have been diligently watching for Christ’s second coming. The world has grown much darker over those years and yet… he still has not come. Not only has he not come, I have had to leave what most Christians say you MUST stay in, the local church. But churches have become apostate dens of Satan and even those who remain faithful often do not follow the LORD into all truth. They remain confined within the four walls of their religious denomination and refuse to move on when the Holy Spirit moves from their midst, and He will move! Therefore I have personally seen and lived Isaiah 26:18.
We were pregnant, we writhed, [True Christians are pregnant with the Holy Spirit, and because we are pregnant, we “writhe” in our supposed good works]
but we have given birth to wind. [The sad fact is that most of “good works” were simply works of the flesh, works done because the pastor or elders at our church said we ought to do them. We did not wait upon the Holy Spirit to do His work]
We have accomplished no deliverance in the earth, [Our works did not bring deliverance to the earth, did they? Look at the earth! Our missionaries travel around the world exporting American Imperialism and “democracy,” simply becoming welfare workers trying to raise third world standards of living while Christians remaining in America support political antichrists and tolerate blatant sin in their midst and in their pulpits]
and the inhabitants of the world have not fallen. [The wicked have still not been judged. The world’s evil continues unabated.]
This totally describes where Christianity stands today. What, then, could possibly be encouraging about Julie’s new prophecy? It is simply this, understanding that the very act of our living in and remaining faithful through these incredibly wicked times actually fulfills God’s purposes in our lives. Reading on, the prophecy says,
It is through your suffering and your despair that you shall stay in a place of full surrender and humility. In this place, this broken and uncertain place, I shall pour out My Spirit upon you and release powerful, life-altering manifestations and miracles through you.
Our flesh always wants to run ahead of God and accomplish great exploits in his name. We say these works are for him, but don’t we always bask in the glory that any “fame” gives us? Well, if we truly understand the times we live in, then we also realize there will be no fame or glory for us in this world. God has brought us to a place of utter brokenness and uncertainty. Uncertainty! Can we handle that? I like to be in control of my situation and uncertainty means that I am no longer in control. But uncertainty describes the world we now live in. I don’t like this prophecy because it tells me I have nothing but uncertainty to look forward to. But, I do like it because I see that it is this very uncertainty that will mold me into God’s image and prepare me for what is coming. God then continued speaking through Julie, saying,
This is the season of the great awakening in My people. Through the crushing darkness encompassing you and the many obstacles and challenges this presents, will My chosen be tested and refined, purified by My holy fire, molded and fashioned into My image, My very likeness. Only then, will such glory be released here amidst the darkness, and all the world will know the truth of the Great I AM and all that I have spoken.
In this way, you become Me in every aspect to a lost and dying world. No more will you treat the lost and the broken-hearted with a few bandages on their wounds and send them on their way. You shall welcome all I send your way with unconditional love and open arms, cradling their hearts in your hands, as I have so done for you. My overflowing and unhindered love through you will be the healing balm for their pain and their losses.
You shall take them by the hand and lead them to My River of Life from which all truth, mercy, and grace flow. They will find their rest as you have in the Garden of My heart. They will know that in Me their is no lack nor are they separate, for I am not a respecter of persons. All are loved and precious in My sight.
Amen and Hallelujah! This is that for which God has prepared us!
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