We live in extremely perilous times today as we enter the first years of the Day of the LORD. These are the times when God’s wrath will be revealed from heaven against all who hold the truth in unrighteousness, against all hypocrites who say one thing and then do another with impunity. These are times of darkness, the evening of the seventh day, times when the darkness of men’s souls has perverted almost all that is. Conspiracy lurks in every corner; false religion hides behind every conveyance of some truth that God revealed sometime somewhere. The conspiracies are true, but their revelation is often packaged by the very ones who conspire, thus building layers of webs of deceit. We can search and search for truth; we can try to find the meaning of a hundred master plans to rule the world. Yet, we end each search at a new dead end and the masters of this world still rule us.
And so it is just as Jesus said as one age ends and another begins, “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” (Matthew 24:24 KJV)
So today I want to give you a simple word which will help us all to stand in the Day of the LORD until we behold his coming and that word is Jesus’ promise, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27 KJV) Have you listened, really listened, for Jesus’ voice? Do you cry out to him, “LORD, open my ears that I may hear! God, open my eyes that I may see you!” Do you expect him to answer your prayer? Do you read your Bible expecting to hear the voice of your LORD speak to you? Do you read writings of others expecting to hear God speak through them, or do you simply listen for the voice of man?
“My sheep hear my voice,” said Jesus. Do you know what that voice sounds like? Do you understand what that voice teaches? It always teaches mercy and truth, righteousness and justice. It always sounds like peace, like purity, like love, like grace. It always brings hope and faith.
So always consider when you listen to this or to that person, video, article, or book…always ask yourself, “Is this the voice of God? Is Jesus speaking through this or that one?” And why consider it? Because you will follow the one you esteem and listen to. The question really is this, am I and are you Christ’s sheep? If we are, then we will hear his voice! Be assured of this. But know also that many voices compete with his for our attention and that we live in perilous times. Let us walk in the light as he is in the light and let us listen earnestly for his voice, the one voice that can and will lead us in all truth to that refuge and hiding place that IS GOD HIMSELF!
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