The Gulf Oil Gusher – Man’s Greatest Catastrophe

Long Term Effects may be Catastrophic (added 8/9/10)

Prophetic Insights into the Disaster

Revelation 8:8-9

A Little Insider Info

A Must See Video

Continuing Secrecy by BP about the oil damage in the gulf.

Below are some comments and links on a new report on Drudge Report of June 2, 2010.  Almost from the beginning I have seen reports that stated that the rig fire and oil spill were deliberately caused.  It seems insane to me that a turn-off valve would not have been installed at the ocean floor “just in case.”  The main give-away that it may have been deliberately caused can be seen in Goldman Sachs shorting and selling BP stock just before the disaster.

Click here to read the story. Then read the comments below.

hmmm, saw this posted on Huff Post, didn’t take it seriously at first:

If I shorted Gulf stocks the day before this platform explosion and bought a company that puts out oil well fires the week before, I’d have the FBI at my door within hours.

Cheney’s Halliburton bought a company called Boots & Coots which became well known for putting out some of the world’s largest oil and gas fires. 8 days before the disaster…

Goldman Sachs shorted the Gulf Oil stocks the day before the accident……

Cementing of the oil rig well was finished only 20 hours before the explosion…

BP sent workers from the well head testing company home 11 hours before the explosion on April 20 — “without performing a final check…

A team from Schlumberger, which is highly regarded for their safety, asks a BP company man to use the Cement Bond Log (CBL) to dump fluid down the well and BP’s company man refused. Schlumberger rep decides to leave citing safety issues but only if they called in their own transport as BP rep would not let Schlumberger leave on a BP Chopper.…

The next article raises some very valid concerns: Purposely Killing the Gulf?

This is the beginning of the Day of the LORD…

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