by Leland Earls
“Have you considered the mystery of the sons of Israel, says the Lord? Reuben was the first-born, but because of his sin the birthright was taken away from him. Simeon was the second, but he failed to hear the Word of the Lord therefore it was not given to him. Even so through all of the sons until we come to Joseph. Joseph was one who feared the Lord and walked in His ways, therefore was the birthright given to him. Is not this to show you, says the Lord, that the birthright is not reckoned according to lineal descent but according to spiritual worth? And does it not show that my favor is upon those who fear me and seek my face? For I say to you, only those who look to me and trust in me, making me their guide and stay, shall be given the double portion which is the inherent right of the first-born. And what is this double portion says the Lord? Is it not first an abundant entrance into the eternal kingdom of your God, and secondly is it not an inheritance among those who shall rule and reign as co-heirs of the heavenly realm, sitting also in judgment on the angels who have been ministering spirits, and who shall continue to minister to the Inheritors, says the Lord? For this is the double portion givento the first-born. But I say, the first-born is not that of the physical, but that of the spiritual. It is even that which is spoken of in the Word as the ‘church of the first-born’ (Heb. 12:23). The first-born are those who shall first enter into eternal life and then into the glories of the heavenly kingdom. For theirs shall be a realm that is much higher than those who shall dwell on the earth. For those who shall dwell on the earth have only one portion, even eternal life. But those who shall dwell in the upper realms of the heavenly kingdom and glory will be invested with the double portion of not only eternal life but also the heavenly glory. And they shall also have the double power of living in the heavenly or manifesting on the earthly, for doubly blessed are they and double is their portion.
For [those] who shall live on earth in the coming kingdom, even though they will not die, will not have attained to the realm of the first-born church, and thus they will be limited to the earthly sphere. But I say, if they are diligent and seek me with their whole heart and obey my every word, then they too shall eventually come into the heavenly kingdom and inherit a double portion, though it will not be of the same glory as those who have preceded them. Does not the scripture say that the glory of the earthly is not the glory of the heavenly, and that even in the heavenly glory one star differs from another in glory and all are not equal? (I Cor. 15:40-41). So shall there be many realms even in the heavenly, and one realm will be of greater glory than another.
Now consider further that which is shown in the sons of Jacob-Israel. As Reuben was ‘unstable as water,’ (Gen. 49:4), so does this show the instability of those who first believe in me but do not continue to ‘hear’ my Word which is the meaning of Simeon, and who do not ‘adhere’ to me which is the meaning of Levi, and who do not show forth my ‘praise’ which is the meaning of Judah. Even so do they lose out and forfeit both the earthly and the heavenly inheritance. But those who will ‘hear’ and ‘adhere’ to me, even cleaving to their Lord and Savior, shall come into possession of the birthright in its first phase which is eternal life. But this life is only of the earthly inheritance and does not provide for an entrance into the heavenly realm. This is not reached until we come to Judah who was the father of the royal tribe and the father of the royal seed of David. Even so I say to you, if you will let me pour out onyou my Spirit that you might become to me a ‘praise’ in the earth, and if you will seek me diligently and walk in my ways as did David my servant, then will I raise you up to the throne to rule and reign with me, even on David’s throne. For just as Judah was the father of David, even so am I the father and keeper of all those who are making themselves ready to receive the crown of glory which shall be given in that day when I come to reward all who have been faithful to me, says the Lord.
And now consider further, says the Lord. As the scepter belonged to Judah and the birthright belonged to Joseph, so shall those I raise up to myself be invested with both the double inheritance of Joseph and the ruling scepter of Judah. And did not Joseph have a younger brother called Benjamin? And was not Benjamin born in the promised land? Even so does Benjamin picture the coming day or age when my people shall enter into their birthright Inheritance whether that be of the earthly or of the heavenly. Those who receive the double portion and enter into the heavenly shall, like the name ‘Benjamin’ implies, be seated at my right hand as sons of glory to rule and reign with me. Now is the time to give thyself diligently to me that I might make you rulers together with me in my own realm. For many are called but few are chosen. Yes, many are called, but few give themselves diligently to make their calling and election sure. (II Peter 1:10). So give diligence, my people, if you would be among those to receive the double portion inheritance and also the scepter of rulership with me, says the Lord.
Did not Joseph the birthright holder have two sons? Even so do these two sons represent the two types of inheritance of those who shall be received of me into my kingdom. The first, Manasseh, represents those who shall enter the earthly inheritance, for Joseph said when Manasseh was born, ‘God has caused me to forget my former trials.’ Even so do those who receive eternal life forget their past sins and past life and look to their Lord who forgives all the past and causes them to receive the gift of eternal life. And then Ephraim, which means ‘double fruitfulness’ represents those who receive the additional benefit of the heavenly inheritance. For they have brought forth fruits, not just to receive eternal life, but that fruit of the Spirit necessary to qualify them to be the overcomers who shall inherit the heavenly kingdom. Even so my people, if you will give yourself wholly to me, I will bring forth fruit inyour life to the double portion of Ephraim, and you shall inherit my glory, says the Lord. Again you will notice that Manasseh was the first-born, but Ephraim was placed ahead of Manasseh. Even so shall those who enter the heavenly kingdom be placed ahead of those who enter the earthly, says the Lord.”
(end of prophesy)