I used to read a lot of fiction, that is, over 34 years ago before the LORD revealed to me who he was. During the past year I read quite a bit of fiction once again, mostly by Agatha Christie, who wrote great mysteries, and recently three books by Frank Herbert, Dune, Dune Messiah, and Children of Dune, the first three of the six Dune books. The Dune series is said to be the greatest selling science fiction books of all time.
The first book, Dune, was quite compelling. Herbert writes in a style which makes you think that he may be saying something important or profound. He regularly quotes the Orange Catholic Bible, obviously attempting to make his readers believe he is saying something spiritual and true with respect to Christian religion. He also uses many references to the Islamic faith, including the word “Mahdi,” which to Muslims equates to Christianity’s “Messiah.” And, of course, he names his second book “Dune Messiah” and makes its hero into a type of Christ who becomes the main object of worship in the human-filled universe.
This invented messiah, Paul Atriedes, fails though, so he raises up his son, Leto II, to become “God Emperor of Dune” in the fourth book of the series. But, you have heard it before, three strikes and you’re out. Herbert is out. He has nothing to say. No wisdom, no truth, no morality. He came up with some interesting science fiction concepts, like stillsuits which recirculate a man’s water in a desert environment, but he has nothing to offer with respect to showing us how we should live in this chaotic and evil world. And he has absolutely nothing to say about truth or even the concept of truth. His supposed morally superior Atriedes family turns out to be morally bankrupt, perverted, even abomination.
In this respect Herbert finds much company. Most writers and purveyors of fiction content themselves with titillating our emotions and lusts with stories of perversion and murder. They do not feed our souls and spirits with truth, righteousness, or holiness. God may have led me to read these books because of the recent things he showed me to concerning the channelling of “aliens” and demons. In all things God reveals over and over again that his way is truth and that there is no other way. As Jesus said, “The way is narrow and few there be that find it.” He taught us to seek, find, and walk in that narrow way.
Do not be deceived by the many voices vying for your attention. Truth exists and God expects us to find it and walk in it. “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” said his Son. Never forget it. Remember that Satan comes as an angel of light. He wants you to think he is something he is not. You must have a foundation upon which to stand in these evil days or will likely accept that which is false (Satan) for that which is real (God, Holy Spirit, Jesus). Today’s mantra is “Fake is always better.” Thus we live in the surreal unreal world of genetically modified organisms, dying oceans, and flavored foods. Many today accept and even prefer the false for the true, the artificially flavored for the real thing.
Read, study, and build your life upon the words of Jesus, the Word of God, which you can find in the Bible. This is your sure and only foundation of truth. Then you will begin to crave reality instead of this matrix-hologram we live in.
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