The Satanist Banker Conspiracy

“Recently, on his internet radio show, Alan Stang asked me if there is such a thing as a Jewish conspiracy. He gets email from people blaming Jews, Jesuits, the Vatican, Freemasons etc.

I replied that the central banking cartel is the only group that has both the motive and the means to take over the world. Consisting mainly of Cabala-believing Jews and Freemasons, it is the HEAD of the octopus. Zionism, Freemasonry, organized Jewry, Western Imperialism, Jesuits, Vatican, Intelligence agencies, mass media, etc. are among countless octopus arms.

The “motive” is to protect its fraudulent private monopoly over public (government) credit (money creation) which is worth trillions and trillions. They need a “world government” to ensure that no nation creates its own interest free money or defaults on the loans the bankers created out of nothing.

The “means” of course is unlimited money funneled through their network of cartels, which allows them to own the government, mass media, education etc. Anyone who succeeds in public life is their puppet or unconsciously serves their agenda. Their Zionist-Freemason-Communist-Socialist-MI-5/6 network allows them to exercise covert control on the ground.”

By Henry Makow – Read More…

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