
Churches “blessing” the Koran?
Excerpt: “The counter-demonstration falls in line with the Irvine church’s “Just Peace” stance, a view that holds devout Muslims and Christians build relationships with the same God, that Islam’s practices and holy scripture are therefore worthy of honor, and that United Church of Christ followers stand with Muslims who find themselves and their faith assaulted and disparaged.”
Excerpt:  “Muslims are simply walking a different path than us up the same mountain in order to build a right relationship with God,” said the Rev. Paul Tellstrom of the decision. “Our congregation desires to stand with Muslim brothers and sisters who find themselves and their faith assaulted and disparaged.”
Well… how positively loving.  Am I the only one who has a problem with this?
What part hath Christ with belial?
Paul may have preached in the synagogue, but I highly doubt he would go this far.  Too many are willing to compromise Truth in order to be perceived as more ‘tolerant’, ‘non-judgmental’, and ‘loving’.  They are afraid of hurting feelings, so they do not even TRY to preach Truth, nor do as they were commissioned as an ambassador of Christ to do, nor do they stand up for Truth in the face of error.  
This is, imho, a type or shadow of the last ‘test’ –one of discernment– that is the culling and separation of the Overcomers down to the 3% of overcomers who exercised discernment (the 300 of Gideon’s final army were on guard and careful- not being deceived by their own reflection in the water), as opposed to the 97% who did not (and who are in self-deception).   Truly those who would compromise are walking the wide road with the majority in seeking the accolades of men in their self-perceived ‘tolerance’ and love.  They have sold their birthright for a mess of porridge. 
 We are told in Scripture that it is the PRIDE in man’s heart that DECEIVES him (hence, the type being that those of Gideon’s army who drank straight from the brook were NOT chosen— they were enamored by their own reflection…. See Obad. 1:3)  What pride?  Ironically enough it is pride in the belief that one cannot be deceived or that “God wouldn’t do that to me.”  This is putting too much confidence in the flesh rather than recognizing our own sinful state.  It says “I cannot possibly be deceived!” This boast is the boast of the arrogant.  
  To acknowledge that YES we can be deceived, and YES God will allow you to be deceived and even confirm it with all the outward signs, is to understand why Jeremiah lamented, “Oh Lord, you have deceived me, and I was deceived!” (Jer. 20:7a).  Are we any better or more spiritual than Jeremiah? 
It is the humble man who will acknowledge this possibility and ask God specifically and contritely to remove the idols in his heart.  This is approaching God as though a child…one with no reputation or titles nor cares for any, save only the marks of fellowship in His sufferings and the obvious reproach of those who do not understand this walk or who have left it because they have compromised Truth.  
The guideposts of humility and discernment will steer one on the narrow way and keep one from falling.  Love thy neighbor, yes.  But do not compromise the Love of the one who bought you.  We cannot sit around a campfire singing “Kum-ba-ya” as though we are in agreement with or give credence to falsehood. 
Also, remember that the final cut from 10,000 down to 300 was WITHIN the overcomer group of Gideon’s Army.  It wasn’t out from among the world (as this story links show by type).  The final cut has to do with discernment (or lack thereof) among and within all those who are overcomers.  It is the discernment among and within those who have already discerned the major falsehoods of the world.  The final cut has to do with discerning the falsehoods from among and within the ranks of the overcomers themselves. 
The pride in the heart of man is pictured as the harlot — It is a spirit of Jezebel who controls and seeks to control others outwardly as well as inwardly.  When Jezebel heard that Jehu was coming to seek her life, she “painted her eyes” with makeup and sat in her lofty tower.  This tower speaks to the PRIDE in the heart of man.  But what about the eye makeup she painted her eyes with?  This “colored” her vision of literally everything she saw, heard, read, and experienced.  Everything was filtered through these “painted eyes.” 
The verse spoken of (2 Kings 9:30) tells us that H6320 and H7760 are both used to describe Jezebel painting her eyes. 
H6320 describes the eye makeup as “black paint”, i.e., KOHL.  Much the same as all middle eastern (i.e., egyptian) women of power wore at that time.
H7760 is the action of ‘painting’ or “setting a mark” upon.
The KOHL is “darkening the eyes” and represents the “mark” of the beast… That beast is leviathan, who is over “all the children of PRIDE” (Job. 41:34), for the children of pride sit in their high tower refusing to acknowledge their self-deception.
May the Lord Yeshuah give discernment– EYE SALVE (a divine “makeup remover“)–to all (and I include myself here as well) who would humble themselves to ask for it in these dark days.  Amen. 
by Anonymous
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