My Ways in the Seas


By Leland Earls

“Cause my people to know this says the Lord, that my ways are in the seas. I will make the sea to roll and the waves shall ascend, and the cities shall be inundated by the mighty rolling of the sea in that day when I arise mightily to shake all things. For the sea shall make bare the coastlands and the inhabitants shall perish. For my ways are in the seas says God. Even so shall I make known to my people in that day when and where they are to flee. Be prepared to move wher­ever I tell you, for if you will not hear my voice surely you will perish says the Lord. I will cause you to know the day and the hour in which you are to flee for safety, for I will pro­tect those who look to me and depend on me in that day says the Lord. But I say to you, you shall remain where you are and fear not. You shall not move until I tell you. For I am a faithful God and surely I will speak to you in that day. Now you shall be quiet before me and wait upon me, seeking my face daily that you may know me and hear my voice in the day of trouble. For I will have my people flee from the places that shall be destroyed even as Lot fled from the city of Sodom in the day of its destruction. My angels shall be on duty and my glorified ones shall be set in battle array to do service to those who are trusting in me and look­ing to me for their deliverance, for I will deliver says the Lord.

Now my people, listen to this word from the Lord your God. As my ways are in the seas so shall I use the seas to bring great destruction on the inhabitants of the earth. For the seas shall be lifted in the form of vapor, and the vapor shall be congealed in the heights above, even in the frosty and cold heights above, and then I shall rain hail on the in­habitants of the earth. For great hailstones shall fall from the skies and bring great destruction on man and beast and every living thing, for nothing shall escape in that day. Did I not say that my ways are in the seas? Yes I say, as I brought great destructionon the earth in Noah’s day by opening the windows of heaven and pouring out my floods, even so were these floods gathered together to become the great oceans and seas of this day. So shall I use the great waters that fell from the heavens, and I shall raise the waters and congeal them on high and rain great hailstones upon this earth says God Almighty who made the earth and all that therein is. Is it not written that such watery vapors congealed on high shall be mixed with fire and blood? (Acts 2:19.) Even so shall I rain fire on the earth as I rain hail, and blood and vapor shall be mixed therein as I rain destruction on this earth. The fire shall be mixed with the hail and the fire shall melt the ice as it falls, for great explosions shall rock the earth and fire shall descend from heaven from that which man shall put aloft and that which man shall shoot into the air. For is it not written that the beast shall cause fire to come down in the sight of all men. (Rev. 13:13.) Even so shall fire mixed with hail fall on the earth, and so shall judgment fall as the fiery blasts of man are mixed with the blast of the breath of Almighty God when He congeals the water and causes it to descend on the earth amidst the fiery blasts. So shall great vapors ascend from the earth as fire and hail and blood are mixed together says the Lord.


Are not my ways in the seas says God? For in that day the seas shall reveal their hidden mysteries and that which has been hidden shall be uncovered, for great shall be the erup­tions of the earth as the earth convulses under the mighty hand of God and as she reels to and fro under the weight and full­ness of man’s iniquity. Great shall be the convulsing in that day and great shall be the cry of anguish as the sea and waves roll to great destruction on the land and in the seas. The land and the seas shall give up their dead, and the seas shall spew out their dead on the land and vomit the excretion from the midst thereof says the Lord. The seas shall reveal their mysteries, for great land masses shall be uncovered and cities once buried shall be unveiled, and that which the bosom of the seas hath held silent and mute for many ages shall come forth as the earth gives birth in that day. Many things which heretofore have not been known shall be made known says the Lord.

Yes my people, my ways are in the seas. I say further to you, the way I would have you go is in the sea of advers­ity and testing. For I am causing my seas to become very tem­pestuous about you that you might be tried and tested in this day. My people are like those in a ship in the midst of the sea, and I will cause the sea to roll about them. But is it not written that on one occasion the Son of Man rested His head on a pillow asleep, as the boat containing the disciples rocked and relied in the midst of the waters? And did not that one calm the seas and rebuke the waves? (Mark 4:36-41). Even so have I given you power to rebuke the tempestuous waves about you and speak the word of faith that whatever is caus­ing the turmoil may flee from your presence, and you be calm in your soul. I say to you, study well the incidents in My Word which tell of the waters and seas, and regard the patterns I have laid down concerning those times when the disciples were on the waters, for they will teach you that which I would have you know concerning the events of this end time says the Lord; for therein are my mysteries revealed for my people. I am commanding all those who will hear my word to get into my boat or ark of safety for only therein shall you be safe in the end-time storm which shall envelop the whole earth. And where is my ark of safety? It is even in the One who died for you and rose again, ascending on high for you. In Him and in His will for your life is there safety in these last days. So my people, get into the boat and there I shall pro­tect you says the Lord.

Yes, my ways are in the seas. I say further to you, have you ever considered that the sea is composed of certain elements? What is water? Is it not two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen? Even so have I combined hydrogen which is a water gas with oxygen which is a fire gas, and the two have been joined together to form what is called water. Like­wise shall I join together in this last day the water of your soul and the fire of my Spirit, and the two shall bring forth that which I have planned for you says God. For out of water (soul) and fire (Spirit) I will perfect to me a people who will yield themselves to me and become that which I would make them, even by the chemistry of my working in their midst. I will take that which is unmanageable, even your soul, and I will join it with the fire of my Spirit, and I will cause it to flow at my behest and in the direction that I determine. For all waters do flow to me, says the Lord. And I will cause the water of your soul to flow in the channel of my will and bring you into my purposes in this day. Through the chemistry that I will perform in your innermost being you shall be brought into that which is according to my perfect will says the Lord your God.

Who am I says the Lord? I am He that does master­mind all of the elements that they may speak to you of spiritual things. All things have been patterned to portray my eternal workings. For is it not written that the earthly is according to the pattern of the heavenly? (Hebrews8:5). Even so are all the elements of the earth the shadow of heavenly and eter­nal truths. That which passes away has its counterpart in that which does not pass away. So in this day I would teach you my ways through the elements that I have made. I will cause you to understand the mysteries of the seas, even that which is hidden. And I shall cause you to understand that which is hidden in your innermost being, even the mystery of your soul as the mystery of the water. For much shall be revealed in this day, and you are now just beginning to behold the glory of your God.”

(end of pro­phecy).

Read Flee to the Mountains

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